New Pub at JoC
Excited to announce that our new publication Broadcast information diffusion processes on social media networks: exogenous events lead to more integrated public discourse at Journal of Communication is out! 🎉🎉🎉
In this study, we investigated the integration and segregation dynamics of communication networks. With a simulation and empirical Twitter discourse data, we found that viral spreading maintains segregation, while broadcasting drives the spike of integration.

Obviously, social networks and communication are dynamic systems. Our study suggests that we should consider the time-varying nature of communication networks when discussing pressing social phenomena such as polarization, echo chambers, and diffusion of misinformation.

The press coverage is here.
This is great teamwork with my coauthors Richard Huskey, Haoning Xue, Cuihua (Cindy) Shen, and Seth Frey. 😀
Especially thanks to my advisor Richard Huskey! This work is impossible without his guidance, advice, and help.
Gong, X., Huskey, R., Xue, H., Shen, C., & Frey, S. (2023). Broadcast information diffusion processes on social media networks: exogenous events lead to more integrated public discourse. Journal of Communication, jqad014.