General Information
Full Name | Xuanjun (Jason) Gong |
Email Address | |
Address | 202D Bolton Hall, College Station, TX, 77843 |
2019 - 2024
PhD in Communication
University of California, Davis, United States
- PI Richard Huskey
- Dynamic Computational Modeling of Sequential Media Selection
2021 - 2023
MS in Statistics
University of California, Davis, United States
- Advisor Shizhe Chen
2017 - 2019
MS in Advertising
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, United States
- Advisor Brittany Duff
- An exploration account of media multitasking
BA in Advertising
Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication & Journalism, Texas A&M University, Collge Station, TX
- Principle Investigator
- Instructor
- Grant writing and project management.
Graduate Student Researcher
Department of Communication, UC, Davis
- Conduct research projects.
- Data management, statistical analysis, code review.
- Grant writing and project management.
Teaching Assistant
Department of Communication, UC, Davis
- Assisting course instructors for material preparation and lectures delivery.
- Deliver lectures, discussion sessions, lab sessions.
- Answering questions and host office hours.
Associate Instructor
Department of Communication, UC, Davis
- CMN 001 Public Speaking
- Prepare course materials including lectures, exams, homeworks.
- Deliver lectures, discussion sessions, lab sessions.
- Answering questions and host office hours.
Data Scientist Intern
Uber HK
- Daily taxi demand prediction using taxi order data with geolocation/weather data.
- Hyper-tuned and compared Tree Models (GBRegression and XGB) and sequence models (RNN, LSTM, GRU).
- Applied K-means and DBSCAN clustering algorithms to find out high-value orders.
Honors and Awards
- Top Paper Award
- International Communication Association - Communication Science and Biology
- Gong, X. & Huskey, R. (2023). Media selection is highly predictable, In principle.
- Top Paper Award
- National Communication Association Annual Conference
- Gong, X. & Huskey, R. (2021). People Prefer Negatively-Valenced Movies in a Two-Alternative Movie Decision Task.
- Graduate Student Reward
- Cognitive Neuroscience Society
- Gong, X. & Huskey, R. (March, 2021). Fronto-Parietal and Reward Networks are Integrated During the Psychological State of Flow.
- Top 5 Paper award
- International Communication Association
- Huskey, R., Keene, J., Wilcox, S., Gong X., Adams, R. & Najera, C. (May, 2021) Flexible and Modular Brain Network Dynamics Characterize Flow Experiences During Media Use.
- Small Research Grant
- Department of Communication at UC, Davis
- PI Richard Huskey
Academic Interests
Media Selection.
- Computational modeling empirical media selection behaviors.
- Behavioral experimentation for testing media selection theories.
Information Diffusion.
- Network analysis on empirical social media diffusion data.
- Computational simulation of duffusion.
NLP Narratives.
- Using NLP techniques to understand narrative structures.
- Understand how narratives influence media effects.
Other Interests
- Hobbies: Hiking, Ski, Watch Movies/TV shows.